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Gas/Oil from Cars

Soil/Sediment from Erosion




Animal Waste

What Are Rain Gardens?

Rain gardens are depressional areas landscaped with perennial flowers and native vegetation that soak up rainwater.  They are strategically located to capture runoff from impervious surfaces, such as roofs and streets.  Rain gardens fill with a few inches of water after a storm and then water filters into the ground, rather than running off to a storm drain.

Why Are Rain Gardens Important?

As cities and suburbs grow, increased storm water runoff from impervious surfaces becomes a problem.  As more impervious surfaces are added to our communities, it is more important that ever to help rainwater infiltrate.  This protects water quality and reduces storm water runoff. 

Storm water runoff from developed areas increases flooding potential and carries pollutants from street, parking lots and lawns into local streams and lakes. 

How Do I Get My Own Rain Garden?

If you are interested in installing a rain garden to solve water issues on your property, please contact the SWCD office for a consultation. 

"The Blue Thumb Guide to Raingardens - Design and Installation for Homeowners in the Upper Midwest" is available as a reference. 

Culver Military Academy
Rain Garden Project

With CWI funds CMA is installing their first rain garden.  We are proud to be a partner for this project. 

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