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Benefits of 4-H

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

According to the website, 4-H is America’s largest youth development organization. “Through hands-on learning, kids build not only confidence, creativity and curiosity, but also life skills such as leadership and resiliency to help them thrive today and tomorrow.”

I was able to see all that confidence, curiosity and learning last week at the Marshall County 4-H Fair. Kids were allowed the freedom to explore the fairgrounds on their own, some for the first time, and their confidence was infectious. Several kids stopped by our booth to talk about their projects and their pride was obvious. Many were old enough to be working the food booths, learning the hard work of customer service. Those with animals were learning responsibility. These kids were tired, dirty and hot. But when they walked around the grounds, you could tell this was THEIR turf and their swagger was in full swing!

Because of their involvement with 4-H, these kids are 4x more likely to give back to their community, 2x more likely to make healthier choices and 2x more likely to participate in STEM activities. So, to everyone who makes the Marshall County 4-H Fair possible, from the paid staff to all the volunteers, THANK YOU! You lift up our community and make it better.

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